Day 16 :: Exploring the Space Element: All-Accommodating

Congratulations, today you are completing the 16 days on the 5 elements. The space element is about being all-accommodating. This means it encompasses what arises in the experience of the moment, it has an openness and an unfoldment. It is inclusive and allows the potential of sensations, perceptions, feelings and thoughts that form the fabric of our experience.

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Day 15 :: Exploring the Space Element: Emptiness

The space element is about emptiness and the experience of vastness that is all-encompassing. When we feel connected to the limitless openness of space, and when we are in balance, we feel the all-pervasiveness and potential of this quality. It’s about vast possibilities. It’s wisdom relates to being inclusive and all-accommodating.

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Day 14 :: Exploring the Space Element: Openness and Spaciousness

The space element is one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and all elements exist simultaneously as an interplay of energies. We can see the form of the elements all around us, but working with the energies of the elements within us can help unlock helpful qualities to realign with and to feel greater harmony and peace.

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